Nathan Altice

New Old New Old New Old New Media


flickgame16 is a (yearly?) game jam using flickgame, a game-/story-/thing-making tool created by game designer increpare (aka Stephen Lavelle). The jam lasts for a day, and the aim is to make sixteen flickgames.

I made the following flickgames for flickgame16 (June 16, 2018), in the following order:

  1. Albers Disintegration Study II [link]
  2. Mondrian Disintegration Study I [link]
  3. Rothko Disintegration Study I [link]
  4. Kline Disintegration Study I [link]
  5. VHS Super Long Play [link]
  6. Pocket Photos [link]
  7. Idle Game 1 [link]
  8. Idle Game 2 [link]
  9. Idle Game 3 [link]
  10. Line & Point Study [link]
  11. Idle Game 4 [link]
  12. Pong Study [link]
  13. Albers Disintegration Study III [link]
  14. Albers Disintegration Study IV [link]
  15. Albers Disintegration Study V [link]
  16. Mondrian Disintegration Study II [link]

  • Year: 2018
  • Media: Videogame
  • Hardware: n/a
  • Software: Flickgame